There is no denying to the fact that we have all spend a tiresome amount of time and energy on finding cheap flights. Be it any destination, long haul or short flight prices are always fluctuating. The process of finding the cheapest flight possible might seem too frugal to a traveller.
Chances are that you might end up spending more. Plus the amount of time which you had to spend online searching for one cheap flight. Instead, you could have planned for a holiday. But its never too late. We can always keep ourselves one step ahead, be calm and plan how to go about things in an easier manner. Therefore, to save your time and money, we have listed down a few hacks that will definitely help you find the cheapest airfare along with satisfaction.
Plan ahead
It’s always better! Because then you might have a chance of booking the cheapest airfare.
Be flexible with your dates
Make sure when you looking for the best flight price, you are flexible with your travelling dates unless its a business travel or emergencies. Your travel agent will provide you with the best of the airfare. You can then compare.
Be flexible with your destination
If you are planning a leisure trip, see if you can keep few options. Like if you are thinking of a beach vacation, set a budget in mind and keep your options open. You could go to either Montego Bay, Maldives, Malaysia or Portugal – under the same budget. Your travel agent will know better as to which months will work the best for which destinations.
Befriend the best travel agent
Travel agents are your best friends. It is a myth that booking through travel agents is expensive and we are earning huge incentives out your bookings. When you book with a travel agent what happens is that the agency will have a large inventory of flights and holidays. Either that or they will have different tools to get you the cheapest airfare. All they would want is that customers should come back and recommend its services to others.
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Don’t always fly direct
Cheap direct flights are not always the cheapest. So, see if you are comfortable with connecting flights. Look for a layover that’s long enough to allow you to leave the airport — it’s like taking two trips in one. Win-win!
Try to fly on Sunday, Friday

Resist your urge or look for days that is either a Sunday or a Friday! In a study, it was found that travellers who bought their tickets on a Wednesday paid on average 4% more than those who booked on a Sunday. It is also seen that the cheapest day to depart from the UK is Friday. Might seem surprising but it’s true.